I've been following Bills tutorial on setting up surveillance cams on the Raspberry Pi and run into a snag...
The Zero w won't connect to the wireless lan using the wpa_supplicant.conf file the tutorial states, it tries to but fails. Any ideas? wrong encryption method on my router? Using WPA2-personal using AES encryption. Asus router. Tried the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands, no dice. I am using a Mac to write the configuration file and even tried modifying the one on Bills website to eliminate errors.
using a Mac to write the configuration file
Could that be causing the "newline" characters ("\n") actually being "carriage returns" ("\r") in your config file ?
I can try it with win 10 machine, Thanks
Be sure to keep line breaks as only "\n" for linux-based environments because the default for Win is "\r\n" and some Mac editors have default= "\r"
With a decent text/source code editors you can choose your line endings (and maybe the latest version of poor old Notepad as well ?) :
VS Code settings (at user or workspace level) :
Notepad++ with a right click :
Also Notepad++ can show your line endings with this toggle button :
Thanks for your help. Im bailing on it. I installed Raspian and it logs in just fine.
I will go with motion eye installed on Raspian.