$25-60?? Jeeze, that's robbery! The raspberry Pi website details the various reputable suppliers in each country for their products. For example you can pick the USB C power supply up from CANAKit for $10.95 Canadian (8$ US). This goes for all official Raspberry Pi equipment.
Got my first Pi 4 in the mail yesterday!
I still need to get a USBC supply, may just order the official Raspberry Pi one as a local vendor has it. I also need to get a micro HDMI adapter cable.
I notice that there is already a problem with the power supply that several users are reporting, due to the Raspberry Pi people not conforming to the USBC specifications.
"Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window." — Steve Wozniak
I'm also a member of a forum where ppl almost exclusively use Raspberry Pis on their 3D printers (the software is actually written specifically FOR Pis) and a few members have started using the pPi4 on their printers (which is WAY overkill) and every one has reported an heating problem throttling the cpu, unless it's for the most basic of uses
The unanimous consensus is active cooling. A heat sink isn't enough, especially if you plan to put any stress on it
I also wish they had gone with the barrel jack, now I have to get a USB C power supply (I do have one, but I use it for a Windows tablet).
Also, the HDMI jacks are not full-size, so you may need to pick up some adapters or special cables to hook up some video monitors.
I'm in the market for a good USB C power supply for this, needs to put out 3 amps minimum. Any suggestions?
They raised the voltage from 5.0V to 5.1V on the RP4. I used to run my RP3B+ with a 3rd party power supply with a switch on the cable. Now I wanted to find one with a switch also for the RP4, but the distributors do not seem to offer any yet. So I use my 5.0V power supply with a micro-USB-to-USB-C-adaptor, which seems to work OK, except when I shut down the RP4, there is a tiny message for one second on the top left of the screen which says "under-voltage detected". I am running the RP4 without any peripheral equipment, except the 2 tiny fans of the aluminium cooler and the keyboard dongle.
Usual USB power supplies have an output of 5.0V exactly, so it might be hard to find any alternative to the original equipment of the Raspberry Pi Foundation.
Can we ignore the voltage difference?
I bought the one specifically made for the Pi4 from Canakit, and I haven't seen that little lightening bolt symbol, which means that it's working fine.
So that's my recommendation... buy the one from Canakit that's made especially for the Pi4
Hope it has a wifi as Acess point then it is easier to ssh from another computer
Rpi3 B+ has some issues so was more inclined to jetson
If rpi4 has a stable wifi as access point i will buy it for sure
Indeed. I had so many issues with my 3B+ that I only bought one, and I stuck with the 3B's and the ZeroW's after that
Now, on the Pi4, they had to rework Raspbian quite a bit, and it seems that they've resolved the wifi issue. I just rebooted mine without the cat5 connected and it connected to the wifi perfectly, and I don't remember having issues setting it up originally. I think I would have remembered if there was a problem
Do yourself a favor tho if yer gonna get a Pi4... Get the Canakit with the wires and adapters and power supply, this way you know you've got enough power. I've never seen a lightening bolt on mine with the Canakit PS even tho I've connected other things to it, like a USB camera and an Arduino Uno at the same time
The HDMI will be an issue if you only get an adapter because the plugs are so close to each other, so get a dongle type adapter with a 6 inch (or however long it is) cable attached to it. Trust me, it'll make your life easier
Indeed. I had so many issues with my 3B+ that I only bought one, and I stuck with the 3B's and the ZeroW's after that
Hey Spyder, speaking of 3B's and Pi ZeroW's. I just bought some ZeroW's and I tried to boot them up using the system SD cards from my 3B. But it wouldn't boot. I ended up having to install a whole new system onto the ZeroW.
That wasn't what I wanted because I already have the system SD cards already configured for a lot of different things. But I'm not able to use those system SD cards on the Pi ZeroW.
Have you experienced this same situation? Or were you able to boot up your Pi 3B SD cards directly on the ZeroW's?
Just curious what your experience is. Because I'd love to be able to have interchangeable system SD cards between the 3B's and ZeroW's. That would be easier than having to maintain two different incompatible system SD cards as I'm currently doing. I have no clue why they aren't interchangeable. But when I try it they won't boot up. I just don't know why that is.
DroneBot Workshop Robotics Engineer
I've never had a problem using ssh on a RasPi 3B+!
Don't know about a Pi 4 yet, just setting up a replacement that CanaKit sent since the first one never came up. And guess what I have just discovered, but not 100% sure of what the real issue is, that indicates the first one may still have a chance?
I have been using a Vizio 32" TV/Monitor with all my RasPi's until the the RasPi 4, but I wound up connecting the RasPi 4 to my 40" Sony in my living room in order to see what the RasPi 4 was attempting to display. I had already tried different HDMI cables, different HDMI ports on the TV/Monitor, different USB C power supplies, and even different SD cards. Nothing seemed to work! So when the second RasPi 4 was doing the same thing I decided since I hadn't tried a different TV/Monitor, I went ahead and used my living room set. Voila, success! It's at the moment loading all the updates to Raspian.
I'll try it on the Visio again after setup is finished. Maybe it's something in the video code used during setup, but can't imagine what.
By the way, a RasPi 3B+ is hooked up to the Visio and it is running fine and I'm connect also via SSH from the laptop I'm using to do this post!
I'll give an update later.
I remember something about not being able to swap cards between 2 Pi's, but I can't remember exactly what it was.
I'm remembering something about updates tho
Try this... Put the card back in the 3, and do sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade, then try it in the Zero again
I'd test it for you but I've only got one spare Zero, and I can't find it. I probably stuck it in something or under something. The things are so small it's ridiculous
I've never had a problem using ssh on a RasPi 3B+!
Not USING it. The problem was getting it to work in the first place
Once it was working, it was fine
Misunderstood what you were meaning, but I never had an issue getting it to work either. Guess if I had, I'd have a different opinion.
Just like I do now trying to get the RasPi 4 to work on my Visio screen!
When they first made the B+ they changed the wpa-supplicant, and it screwed everything up for a few months until they finally got it right
Just does it act like an access point ie rpi gives an acess point
Am uding ubiquityrobot image. Ssh works fine
When i connect to home wifi and ssh it gives gateway 22 no access......
Interms of display am using an hdmi capacitive touch screen....attached
Will checkout canakit.
Am using a tft hdmi see in below for display
Althoug display is fine on an hdmi LG TV also.