I noticed that @tmatatu is using the Pololu QTR reflectance sensor with Arduino, so I thought that I’d pass along what I’m doing with that sensor on the Pico. The short version is that I had to add: gpio_disable_pulls(sensorPin); to get it to work.
I’m interested in doing some more work on evolving robot controllers, but this time with the coordination of a swarm of robots to move “food” to a “nest”. So my use case is to use one QTRX reflectance sensor https://www.pololu.com/product/4341 to allow the robots to recognize when they are over some dark area (the nest).
It was very straightforward to port the routines I needed from the Pololu QTR Reflectance Sensor Library https://github.com/pololu/qtr-sensors-arduino because my use case is so simple and I’m only using one sensor. I used target_link_libraries(test, pico_stdlib) in the CMakeList.txt file. So nothing very exciting there…
Here’s the code.
/* This is a watered down version of the Pololu library that runs their QTRX IR reflectance sensors. I have just a single sensor board of the RC variety so this is very simple. No dimming of IED or calibration steps or readLineBlack or readLineWhite calls... Just read raw sensor values. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "pico/time.h" #include "pico/stdlib.h" #define sensorPin 13 // Out pin on QTRX sensor #define emitterPin 14 // Control pin on QTRX sensor uint16_t qtrxTimeout = 2500; // 2500us void emitterOn(uint16_t emitter) { gpio_put(emitter, 1); // set emitter pin to HIGH sleep_us(300); return; } void emitterOff(uint16_t emitter) { gpio_put(emitter, 0); // set emitter pin to LOW sleep_us(1200); return; } uint16_t readQTRX() { uint16_t sensor = qtrxTimeout; uint16_t time; uint64_t startTime; gpio_set_dir(sensorPin, GPIO_OUT); // set direction of GPIO to out gpio_put(sensorPin, 1); // drive pin high sleep_us(10); // charge line for 10 us startTime = time_us_64(); time = 0; gpio_set_dir(sensorPin, GPIO_IN); // set direction of GPIO to in while (time < qtrxTimeout) { time = time_us_64() - startTime; if ((gpio_get(sensorPin) == 0) && (time < sensor)) sensor = time; // record the first time the line reads low } return sensor; } void readSensor(uint16_t *sensorValue) { emitterOn(emitterPin); *sensorValue = readQTRX(sensorPin); emitterOff(emitterPin); return; } int main() { stdio_init_all(); gpio_init(sensorPin); // Emable I/O set to GPIO_SIO and set to input. gpio_init(emitterPin); gpio_set_dir(emitterPin, GPIO_OUT); gpio_disable_pulls(sensorPin); uint16_t sensorValue; printf("waiting for usb host"); while (!stdio_usb_connected()) { printf("."); sleep_ms(500); } sleep_ms(2000); while (true) { readSensor(&sensorValue); printf("voltage went low in %ld us\n", sensorValue); // Larger sensor values mean less reflectance, lower values more reflectance. sleep_ms(250); } }
To err is human.
To really foul up, use a computer.