Last seen: 2022-05-24 5:29 pm
@will Did it! 🤣 Thank you for everyone's help
@will Did it. With a lot of google i,ages and videos. And of course help from this forum 😍 😍 😍 😍 😍
Making progress 😆 FS-i6s + Arduino Uno + L298N
@zander LOL. Not a real one. Will only use a recording (MP3 or wave file) playing on a small sound bar.
@robotbuilder Thank you so much
@will Thank you for your help. I got it to work with an Arduino Uno and serial connection between RC and Uno. Next.... Mounting a ESP32 cam. Would ...
@zander 0, Zero, Nil years 😆
I have started looking at the code for this project. I am sure I do not know what I am doing. Can someone help me with this code please? Is there ...
@zander Thank you so much
Hi all. Thank you for the warm welcome 🍾 Maybe someone can give some advice. I am busy with the robot car project. All the content I find connect...