Last seen: 2025-01-04 6:52 pm
@zander I got the large one so that I have the ability to go for larger footprints in the future AND it also allows me to 'bake' several small boar...
@zander Here's the one I bought from Amazon
@xander As a pre-built, how about
@ismegordo If you don't have an existing setup or tools, then Bill's introduction may be worth watching ...
@zalves Maybe I'm missing something, but there doesn't appear to be any executable code in that listing so it's no wonder that the display is empty...
@huckohio Thanks for the comprehensive info. I had thought that for a small number of fowl and a relatively small coop that it might be possible to...
@huckohio I'm curious, how many chickens are there and roughly how big is the 'coop ?
@huckohio Silly question but do you have a yard light or some other existing powered location between the house and coop ? if so, maybe you could...
If you haven't used ESP boards before, you'll need to provide information to the Arduino IDE's board manager. Here's a link to DBWS about using ESPs.
Then the project should be totally comprised of your personal effort.,
Excellent idea, but I'm curious why you only store 3 speeds ? I would assume that you'd need one for each of the 4 legs between observation points.
I think my point is that you should leave the class alone. It's doing its job correctly since all of the steppers arrive at the end of the move togeth...
1) perhaps you could pause, but that would have hidden the fact that you were NOT completing the move in the time you expected :) 2) You could also ...
Well, I'm sure confused by all of that :) I believe that you're overthinking and overcomplicating things here. AFAIK speed is in steps/second, so if...
@hackinspock The most likely reason that it runs over your expected time is that the system is too busy and that your run() is called past the time...