Joined: 2023-01-30 10:15 am
Last seen: 2023-03-13 8:09 am
Topics: 1 / Replies: 4
RE: Compare IR received text with a text string. Please help!

@will Thank you very much! That is the command I was looking for! It really help :-)

2 years ago
RE: Compare IR received text with a text string. Please help!

@zander thank you! I checked the command string, however I do not know how to call serialPrintUint64(results.value, HEX); inside a command like str...

2 years ago
RE: Compare IR received text with a text string. Please help!

@will Hi thanks for your answer! The text string I receive is printed in the serial monitor by serialPrintUint64(results.value, HEX); but I do not...

2 years ago
RE: Compare IR received text with a text string. Please help!

@zander Hi, thanks for your answer! Basically I do not know how to compare two string. The command serialPrintUint64(results.value, HEX); prin...

2 years ago