Last seen: 2024-08-20 1:35 am
Ok, perhaps a little review is in order. when first started this project it had been a couple of years since the first version of our track. Our needs...
My apologies. Was up quite late working this project and should have waited until today to post when i could pay attention to detail. let's give it ...
Wow! what time it? lol. OK, did some more digging. To solve the serial port issues I decided to go go with an Arduino Due. It has a second serial p...
Ok lets say I don't care about the status of the displays or want to send status to the serial monitor and lets see if I have the basic concept of add...
Below is the first part of the main loop dealing with serial monitor. //======================================== MAIN LOOP =====================...
After thought... I guess should also mention the Spark Fun I2C calls the print() function to display messages. So if I add the print() for displays, w...
Opps! I mean to say: Below is the communication setup portion of the program.
Ok perhaps I'm not seeing the problem clearly. So as mentioned early on programing is my weak link. So I did do some research and must have misunderst...
Yes that would be easy enough. I also wish to display, for each lane, the elapsed time at the end of the track and maybe the miles per hour with an LE...
Probably due an upgrade due to the state of the art presently, but i have four. My first was an Elegoo Neptune. It was a bit of a challenge to figure ...
After thought... The only down side I have found is the 180mm diameter max/ 0.5 kilogram spool holder inside the case. This isn't a huge down side as ...
@frogandtoad Thank for the input. After many tries, a bunch of Googling, recommendations from friends, my first adventure into the 3D printer world go...