Last seen: 2019-11-03 10:50 am
@spyder Pwmpin0 Inapin0 Inbpin0 Pwmpin1 Inapin1 Inbpin1 Omly required if u are using L298 n type control where you have one pwm and 2 dir Rest you d...
@spyder Hi spyder If you want to simply connect with and arduino and want to see how publusher subcruber works You can sumply connect an arduino using...
@casey Hi casey Thanks. This is a 4 wheel 4 motor mecanum robot Using rplidarA1 and ms kinect xbox 360 Using the hector slam and also trying gmapping...
@robo-pi Hii Thanks ! See i have just started learing ROS few months ago Am making a 4 wheel mecanum , 4 motor control with RPLidar and using Kinect M...
Hii my day was great today ! Took off from office and could reach some landmark Struggling to make navigation using hector SLAM, so little i know an...
@spyder Finally the antenna arrived !!?
@spyder Thanks a lot, great data on this. Will plug it in next weekend!
Sir intel AC8265 i got but antenna is still not shipped and today i get a message shipment is lost !!! From amazon !! If i do not install an antenna w...
Finally The ros on rpi3 works with the ubiquity robot image ssh is working on it through the login of its own wifi. This image is now reliable for t...
MOTOR driver for cytron
There is a command to disable the ubiquity robot in the ros wiki page that worked and i could get the roscore ok..finaly this sunday
@spyder Hii Oh yes i am using it on rpi3, i had downloaded the image last friday it works But the issue is it is built for ubiquity robot So when i ru...
Cytron Mosfet drivers Bipolar transistor ones Best is the cytron..
I have used this motor driver...This is good take care of heavy duty motors and has no heating issues.Both Enable pins need to be high to make pwm com...
@spyder Thanks a lot Yes the master slave over WiFi is not accessible...TELEOP_KEY am trying to control over laptop to make motor move which is con...