Last seen: 2019-11-03 10:50 am
Addresable LED WS2801 added
Cooling jetson nano low cost solution
Hi It is ok for servo. There is no problem, you are giving feedback loop by potentiometer built in only as feedback signal.
Update# Changed Processor from RPI to Jetson Nano! HDMI Monitor Added
@dronebot-workshop putting this antenna on the jetson nano is quite a big task! I struggled for more than an hour, the connector wont just stay there,...
@spyder Hii You check ROS Course in Udemy by Professor Anis Kobuaa 1. Basics , Motion, Open CV 2. ROS Navigation ROS for Beginners: Basics, Motion, ...
@spyder Hi spyder Packages i used was Gmapping for map generation Move base For Vision used opinni .. for xbox 360, you can search openini ros for la...
@spyder Do you want me to send u a ready installed image on 128 GB SD, i can do that, by post. Not an issue.
@spyder You can chk this Resource for ros
@spyder Hii 1. Jetson nano page go to the startup process 2. Download the image file for Windows/ linux 3. Download etcher 4 burn the new SD card...
@spyder Hii spyder No recovery possible, just went on with a new SD card and wrote all packages once again...
@spyder Thanks I gave up on the sd card and went on... 4 hours of midnight oil burnt! Moved to jetson nano and built the packages again and its runnin...
@spyder Hiii spyder Yes it is detecting sd card but asking to format Not reading any data There is a crack on surface of card, i guess rp3 gets heated...
Some days are really tough! The rpi3 sd card not responding at all!!! Not even reading in laptop!! Cant imagine to do everything once again from zero!...
@robo-pi Yes googlenet is uses by the nano. But it is good , it recognises to great details! Including indian dresses ! Like " kurta" But if you have...