Last seen: 2021-01-06 11:56 pm
@dronebot-workshop Well I thought maybe it was something i should know how to do - not realising i would end up in a rats nest cul de sac - as you s...
@dronebot-workshop i got the latest last version and thats when I noticed a lack of drawing features
correct me pls but is Fritz lacking a basic drawing feature - ie I cant make up my own components and connection nodes and create a custom library
@photo-bud now there's a bifurcation when i was trawling for an answer to my Q what s/w is used to make layouts, the grinch of gurus came back...
I can see your requirement to align the final rail position very accurately (+/- ?microns) With your cnc experience you will know that stepper motor...
you mean this link $40 controller $90 optical disc programmer $10 now this looks like a serious servo motor (w optical encoder). I won...
attach jpg, copy txt
you wanted to post a pic? **************************** Illustration of a graphical method for sizing the series resistor for an LED This data...
Hi Bill 5 Pt stars to your stirling work on Arduino kit (in itself an inspired initiative by those Italians who made an MPU more specifically targeted...
Yes indeed quite right. It always pays to go the extra mile to understand how something really works, rather than a quick fix. Some try to get by wi...
I have been advised by management that I can drag and drop pix (strange this feature was not available me before?) so here goes My Media Attac...
Many thanx for the tip. I majored in control theory eons ago and could sure do with a refresher. We didnt have such things as self tuning PID algorith...
@tperry724 IMHO go for a look alike with data sheet and derate volts by 10-20% for longer life. i found prc sellers grossly over state their product...