Joined: 2020-11-04 1:52 pm
Last seen: 2021-01-06 11:56 pm
Topics: 5 / Replies: 17
RE: which layout program is used on dbw

@dronebot-workshop Well I thought maybe it was something i should know how to do - not realising i would end up in a rats nest cul de sac - as you s...

4 years ago
RE: which layout program is used on dbw

@dronebot-workshop i got the latest last version and thats when I noticed a lack of drawing features

4 years ago
RE: which layout program is used on dbw

correct me pls but is Fritz lacking a basic drawing feature - ie I cant make up my own components and connection nodes and create a custom library

4 years ago
RE: which layout program is used on dbw

@photo-bud now there's a bifurcation when i was trawling for an answer to my Q what s/w is used to make layouts, the grinch of gurus came back...

4 years ago
Replies: 11
Views: 1087
RE: Issues with linear actuator with linear encoder feedback

I can see your requirement to align the final rail position very accurately (+/- ?microns) With your cnc experience you will know that stepper motor...

4 years ago
RE: DC Motor goBILDA 5201 series 53:1 Spur Gear Motor discontiuned need alternative

you mean this link $40 controller $90 optical disc programmer $10 now this looks like a serious servo motor (w optical encoder). I won...

4 years ago
RE: How long will a 1W LED last without a heat sink

you wanted to post a pic? **************************** Illustration of a graphical method for sizing the series resistor for an LED This data...

4 years ago
RE: Before posting here please read - thank you!

Hi Bill 5 Pt stars to your stirling work on Arduino kit (in itself an inspired initiative by those Italians who made an MPU more specifically targeted...

4 years ago
RE: How long will a 1W LED last without a heat sink

Yes indeed quite right. It always pays to go the extra mile to understand how something really works, rather than a quick fix. Some try to get by wi...

4 years ago
RE: A picture is worth 1000 words

I have been advised by management that I can drag and drop pix (strange this feature was not available me before?) so here goes My Media Attac...

4 years ago
RE: Stewart platform

Many thanx for the tip. I majored in control theory eons ago and could sure do with a refresher. We didnt have such things as self tuning PID algorith...

4 years ago
RE: How long will a 1W LED last without a heat sink

@tperry724 IMHO go for a look alike with data sheet and derate volts by 10-20% for longer life. i found prc sellers grossly over state their product...

4 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 2084
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