Recycled Roadkill
Recycled Roadkill
Joined: 2019-06-23 5:13 am
Last seen: 2020-10-28 3:04 am
Topics: 6 / Replies: 69
RE: Vacuum Fluorescent Displays

I built a VFD kit clock a couple of years ago. The power supplying the tube failed at some point within the circuitry about a year ago. I would have b...

4 years ago
RE: Help with Gorilla Bot

Here's a link to an Amazon arduino type magnotometer: /p> Maybe someone here can describe how this hooks up to a nano. (Why does nothing come with i...

4 years ago
RE: Error msgs below

Step 1 tried and failed. Seems I can't save to the default arduino directory because I need admin permission. (Thought I was admin.) I authorized admi...

4 years ago
RE: Error msgs below

@frogandtoad, thanks, I'll give it all a try and return here with the outcome.

4 years ago
RE: Error msgs below

I've tried all suggestions to the best of my ability. I've not had any success though. I'm getting frustrated. Seems to me if it would compile (chec...

4 years ago
RE: Error msgs below

The problem is simple IF you know the answer. but I haven't given up.....yet. The h file listed above was Adafruit_neopixel.h or something like that. ...

4 years ago
4 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 1886
RE: The Mysterious MPU 6050 Breakout Board ???

I have a friend who bought a hoverboard shortly after they got popular, rode it in a local park, took a bad fall and never rode it again. The batterie...

4 years ago
RE: The Mysterious MPU 6050 Breakout Board ???

LOL, The segway worked because my hips refuse to, at least after about 100 yards. Fun to ride once the fear of cracking my skull open went away. Odd...

4 years ago
RE: The Mysterious MPU 6050 Breakout Board ???

I haven't seen the set you spoke of as it appears there's many different sets to choose from. They look expensive and wife has issues with me spending...

4 years ago
RE: The Mysterious MPU 6050 Breakout Board ???

@spyder Hi spyder, I followed that link to see what it was about and it looks very interesting. I had tried XOD for programming Arduino but it's too s...

5 years ago
RE: Does my robot understand?

I watched that TED talk just last week but found the dialog between the to AI units to be disappointing at best. Especially when the Sophia started ba...

5 years ago
RE: The Mysterious MPU 6050 Breakout Board ???

Well, the forum just lost about an hour's worth of typing on where my work had go from the above pane. Gone. Wish I'd have copied before I added the r...

5 years ago
RE: The Mysterious MPU 6050 Breakout Board ???

Just in case anyone has forgotten, I'd bought Elegoo's Tumbller <<---(their spelling) that came to me in a non-working condition. Sure, you gott...

5 years ago
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