Last seen: 2023-03-05 11:15 pm
so i just put "RH_NRF24::setChannel 124" and that sets it to channel 124? in the current sketch there is a statement: " // Initialize RadioManager...
Thank you Will. I did now. I was thinking that the code needed to be for the radiohead library. I will try it. but there is alot of stuff that doesn...
not specifically but have you tried identifying it as an uno or nano? and you might want to check you coms and see if it showing up as seeduino or uno...
no fair I wasn't done editing yet.... I thought it was on somewhere If any one was looking for zero turn / tank / bobcat style control modificat...
from what I gathered it will still go 100's of ft. through clear air. use a cap on the the 3.3v. don't connect to 5v. The logic is ok just not the sup...
Schmitt trigger? So what you were saying about moving moving the motor controls. You think i should make them buf 4,5 and 6? Honestly, right now I...
@will I was looking at the button example sketch. either way I couldn't have done it without your work.
@Will @Robotbuilder Bill@Dronebotshop You People are soooo awesome Thankyou very much. The Buf thing was very important.
@will I changed if (buf[5] = HIGH) {digitalWrite(hornPin,HIGH);delay(5000); // Honk horn for 5 secondsdigitalWrite(hornPin,LOW); TO if (buf[5] ==...
Sounds good. Not pretty but here is current state of rx and tx.