Last seen: 2024-04-27 1:49 pm
thanks for the tip
Thanks Ron, but the post was directed to bldrgy, who made one of these robot arms. the meantime, I went back to the developers site and...
Hi again. Well it goes not good! I've got it all wired up, UNO downloaded no errors, new Processing running and the GUI provided by Mechatronics dis...
Thanks buddy. I have it wired up the way I surmised and will download the Arduino today and see what happens. I haven't checked out the software to ...
Yeah I was going to that. I made a "stepper motor" tester two years ago for doing things like this. The code is already written and downloaded to a ...
OKay thanks. I took a stab at it, will try with software.
@bldrgy I built this arm as well and I'm into the wiring phase. I'm not sure where the wires go because the "schematic" provided by Mechatronics only...
Eliza did all the things I did but thanks for the link because it let me know I didn't miss anything. I have two computers, 6 nrf24L01+ battery power...
Search for what? What is IIRC?