Last seen: 2024-11-18 9:27 pm
About Me
Hello. my name is Terry. I live in southeast Michigan, the "mitten state" lol. My journey to this point started in the late sixties as an audiophile quest for the perfect stereo system. In the mid seventies I started a small electronics store. I was the only person that would hire me, at the time. It was an under funded endeavor that lasted only two years. After raising two children, I was finally able to retire. This has allowed me to re-enter my many hobbies on a fun yet more serious level. I love to make things, I love it even more when I succeed but don't mind when the process takes a few failures along the way. My hobbies include, photography, RC air planes and quads, record collecting, watch and clock collecting, "N" scale model railroading as well as electronic experimentation! Apparently I have a serious problem with focusing! lol