Last seen: 2024-09-12 8:42 pm
Perfect, this is almost exactly what I intended to do and also more elegant I'm sure. I'll definitely follow this framework.
This model isn't really setup to do a good animation but this should give a pretty good idea of how it is setup. My design does not have a wrist/ank...
Welcome Very cool, I've never heard of this but you've got me interested. Would love to see any examples of applications you've come up with.
Thanks for the replies, I've been AFK. Indeed that math would work, however it has been over a decade since I've studied Linear Algebra and I...
It certainly sounds like a grounding issue given the symptoms. But if I understand correctly you can swap out the ESP and it works fine? You could t...
It should be able to drive them under no load, but a single 9g can draw up to about 700ma at max pull. In a perfect work the datasheet would say but...
Case Closed So After a full servo replacement everything is working great:Verdict, I would not recommend buying GXservo Brand servos, not sure the e...
I appreciate the interest in my current problem haha. I did find myself an servo tester and even with the simple analog signal the servos were s...
Well I have limited experience with servos but I can speculate that the servos that are shaking might have issues with their control system feed back....
Well after a bit of individual servo testing I think I just bought poor quality servos. Pressing my finger against the horn causes 7/12 of them to s...
Thank you for the replies, I do not, but I will just as fast a Amazon can deliver it haha, I'll try that out for sure. I just tried ...
Hi Tom, Yea, I control these robots using a PS3 controller. The Bluetooth on the ESP32 is so convenient. Your hexapod looks really cool. I had ...