Last seen: 2019-07-11 3:12 pm
Sorry, I posted it as it seems to have offended you both. Goodbye.
It's their own design. The mounts (not the base) is being printed until they get them molded here in the states. I could see a few uses for this espec...
I use it for bot parts as well as Astro parts./p>
I love Tinkercad!
Try this as a strarter: /** This will read A0 every 1 second and display the reading.*/#define UV_IN A0 void setup ( ) { // put your setup code her...
I'm always dubious of these type of power banks. I would think that the solar panel would not come close to charging the power bank. Based on its size...
Yeah, I am a big user of bypass caps. I have them everywhere in my projects. They do help some on brownout protection and a lot on noise.
@pugwash nice. Yeah, the DS3231 is one of the nice and easy i2c devices to play with and learn i2c protocol coding with. I had a pic based outdoors l...
A nice work-a-around @altoidian.
For precompiled hex files, you will need avrdude or AVRStudio and an ISP. Scott
Something similar to this from the command line: avrdude -c usbasp -p t45 -u -U flash:w:yourfile.hex Also, there are a couple of avrdude tutorials abo...
Hi @wintech, You will need to use avrdude to load it. This will also require a programmer like the USBasp. The programmer is very inexpensive and can...
Thanks. Yes, it's a pain to have a uC brown out and reset due to the robot turning :( I will have separate power for the RPI and recommend that. Scot...