Last seen: 2020-01-30 3:50 pm
First, lets agree that there is a context to this discussion and that is that we are talking about building out a WinForms application. Its an MDI app...
I wouldn't bother with trying to work with c++ in a WinForms manner given that c# is a better language. I mean that from the perspective that it offer...
Last time I wrote a winforms app it was a code generator for web apps; all c#. I currently write business apps and RESt services in .net core, c# of c...
@robo-pi, sweet!! Thank you for the info! Definitely going to look into this.
@byron Thanks for the reply. I had no idea the Teensy 4 existed. That's pretty much where I'm at. I'm really new to the Arduino world of microcontroll...
@pugwash Honestly I think that might be a misuse of the "switch" statement. Probably anything more complex than an evaluation for truth or simple comp...
@pugwash Yep I hear ya. The switch statement does look like it would execute properly though. Having an empty case above one that isn't just means the...
@pugwash to re-write the switch statement as an if else you would want to write it as switch(val){ case G: case UNKNOWN_G: go(); break; case...