Joined: 2019-09-12 1:49 pm
Last seen: 2020-04-23 3:34 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 18
RE: use millis() in IR Remote Controls

Here is something that has the following features: 1) Only one led (or relay) on at a time. 2)Maximum on time is 30 seconds. 3) If IR signal received ...

5 years ago
RE: use millis() in IR Remote Controls

Did you mean to post this in "new content?" Myself or others can help you out if you re-post in "Components and Programming-Arduino" or elsewhere.

5 years ago
RE: Need some help with HC-SR04

The 200 usec is being compensated for somewhere in the device. The transmitter and receiver are not the same. There are two "speakers" one for transm...

5 years ago
RE: Tips for Noobs #2 - Failing for and while loops

This is what I think happened. Think of the point just before you enter the while loop as State A and just after the loop State B. If variable i is ...

5 years ago
RE: Convert a unipolar stepper motor to bipolar

Assuming this works out I said measuring between different coil pairs should be high resistance. But the exception is measuring between the 2 10-ohm ...

5 years ago
RE: Convert a unipolar stepper motor to bipolar

@sdk I'll take another shot at this after looking at your picture. You have 8 large solder pads that are numbered 1 through 8. What I am going to supp...

5 years ago
RE: Convert a unipolar stepper motor to bipolar

If you can access the wires you could try to separate the common turning a 5-wire effectively into 6-wire.

5 years ago
RE: #newb Could I simplify my code?

You have a lot of repeated statements that don't change anything. For example pins 14 thru 17 only need to be defined as outputs once with your code ...

5 years ago
RE: How strong should my motor be

Here is something to get started: Torque= Inertia x acceleration. The acceleration is based on what the final turntable speed is and how fast to get...

5 years ago
RE: Where to buy cheap TT motors with speed encoders built-in

Do you mean mechanically sloppy? Or output signal is sloppy or other.

5 years ago
RE: Where to buy cheap TT motors with speed encoders built-in

Check out Pololu. See item #1523 Magnetic Encoder Pair Kit for Mini Plastic Gearmotors, 12 CPR, 2.7-18V. And they have a variety of "TT like" gearmo...

5 years ago
RE: stepper vs servo

What is the motor driving? Is it linkages , pulley and timing belt, or other? It seems you want the position of something to be determined by the pos...

5 years ago
RE: Loud horn advice

These are car replacement horns. So looking at typical wattage values they could be ballpark 4-6 amps each. I believe a common car horn fuse is 20 amp...

5 years ago
RE: Proximity Sensor Problem

You can probably still get these to work the way you want. What you might want to try is on a breadboard take a led-receiver pair and put a trim pot w...

5 years ago
RE: Proximity Sensor Problem

Did they give you a part number for the photodiode and are you sure it is not a transistor? Also some of these are designed with a coating that filter...

5 years ago
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