Joined: 2022-11-17 10:24 am
Last seen: 2023-07-23 2:28 am
Topics: 3 / Replies: 10
RE: StepperOnline NEMA 23 Integrated Easy Servo Motor iSV57T-130

Hi @cancigar35 - sorry for slow response - was just searching some additional info re this drive and I came upon my own post. I have seen indeed there...

1 year ago
RE: Unblock while loop while running a Stepperonline servo using Accelstepper or PWM until weight reached using HX711 load cell amplifier

Thanks @Ron for your really amazing research and ideas. sorry for slow response - first day back at work after holidays (poop emoji). I spent all ye...

1 year ago
RE: Unblock while loop while running a Stepperonline servo using Accelstepper or PWM until weight reached using HX711 load cell amplifier

All super interesting ideas. I tried slimming down everything (thanks @DaveE!) and got no appreciable performance gains... seems like plenty of other ...

1 year ago
RE: Unblock while loop while running a Stepperonline servo using Accelstepper or PWM until weight reached using HX711 load cell amplifier

Thanks @Ron - I havent tried a if, then else loop yet - could be worth a shot... I will try this and see if it works. I am also thinking whatever I...

1 year ago
RE: Any way to stop a stepper motor based on load or amps?

This seems like such great (German?) tech that is way ahead of other controllers. I found this page that has some code I will test for sure. ...

1 year ago
RE: Any way to stop a stepper motor based on load or amps?

Thanks so much @Inq! By the sound of it the TMC2209 driver might be exactly what I am looking for. I had not heard of this driver before though I have...

1 year ago
RE: StepperOnline NEMA 23 Integrated Easy Servo Motor iSV57T-130

Thanks again @davee - I ran some tests last night and it seems I am not getting the right torque at high RPM. I am waiting on the RS232 to USB cable I...

2 years ago
RE: StepperOnline NEMA 23 Integrated Easy Servo Motor iSV57T-130

I just ran this code on my Mega - got high RPM but torque disappeared // Define pin connections const int dirPin = 40; const int stepPin = 41; ...

2 years ago
RE: StepperOnline NEMA 23 Integrated Easy Servo Motor iSV57T-130

Wow great forum! - Ok thanks to you all for the replies! @ron - Plug in I am talking about plug-in code/libraries like Accelstepper. Thanks @inq for...

2 years ago