Joined: 2019-12-15 3:02 pm
Last seen: 2021-09-24 7:12 pm
Topics: 2 / Replies: 10
RE: Components & Programming

@duce-robot Was that the developer's image (7.1GB)? That is the one you need for the tutorials. I downloaded it over my cell service (LTE). It took ov...

5 years ago
RE: Components & Programming

@robo-pi That is great news! Good work! 8-Dale

5 years ago
RE: The Little Red Rover

@robo-pi Thank you. The Feather boards were designed by and are sold by Adafruit. The Feather board I am using here is a 120 MHz Cortex M4 with 192 Kb...

5 years ago
RE: The Little Red Rover

Hi, I had to make some significant changes in the way I have my electronics breadboarded because using three breadboards was not working well. So, I...

5 years ago
RE: Components & Programming

@robo-pi sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade (if there are packages to upgrade) 8-Dale

5 years ago
RE: Components & Programming

@robo-pi Great work James! Now, we can all benefit from your work. 8-Dale

5 years ago
RE: Components & Programming

@robo-pi You gave me the clue I needed to find the package in the repositories. It is just called "piclone." Who would have thunk it?! I just installe...

5 years ago
RE: Components & Programming

@egers Do you know the name of the package? I build my Raspbian systems starting with Raspbian Lite, and can not find the sd card cloner in the reposi...

5 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 3660
RE: Components & Programming

@robo-pi That looks very nice, James! I have both my Jetson Nano and Raspberry Pi 4 running on 128 GB SD cards. I also have one more 128 GB and three ...

5 years ago
RE: Components & Programming

@robo-pi I recently acquired a Jetson Nano, but have not had a chance to do much with it. I am not impressed with the version of Ubuntu 18.04 they pro...

5 years ago
5 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 2284