Last seen: 2022-05-23 8:33 pm
I'm a hardcore HO scaler. We have a club meeting via Zoom Friday nights and talked about T scale a few weeks ago. We have a couple of N scalers in our...
@codecage That's the spirit! Once you start, you can't stop.
@codecage I have never experienced it. I setup an oval every year under the tree and I've never had an issue. However, with a layout that is perman...
@codecage Never too many questions. The generally accepted DCC theory is to power all tracks at all times, regardless of the "throw" of the turnout...
@codecage I can see why there is confusion. I can't seem to find an answer! I have two systems currently. One is running a MEGA with WiFi shield. No...
@codecage Yes, the EX project has dropped that aspect of the project. I don't think many used it. However, this is your chance to add to the projec...
@codecage Yes, I had hosting troubles and the site is down right now. I'm working on a new one. As to DCC++, I moved to DCC++EX myself and it is a ...
@donmcg Yes, there are several projects out there. One of the most popular is Dave Bodnar's. Here's a link:
@dronebot-workshop Thanks for the reply and assurance. I will forge on. Next up is how to home it (covered in a video) and then to get it to go to p...
I would think that 6v might be too low for the Uno. It outputs a 5v regulated and 6v may not be enough to get a solid 5v out.
@vic Very successful. Full details of my control system are on my website.
@photo-bud Nice to see a familiar face!