Last seen: 2024-08-05 2:31 pm
Thanks. Will do on both. F
Thank you both for your attention. @zander.. I did apologise for the question! The chips in Bill's videos and pdfs are 16 pin chips and have a seria...
I have the board links in the IDE and used them to download the board program recommended before it all started going wrong. In the IDE in my list of ...
@Zander, thank you for replying. I was using the Arduino IDE and followed the instructions in Bill's video to the letter. Sadly when the board manager...
I had the same problem, and sorted it (you need to set aside a whole evening to do this properly). The Pico W was not showing up as attached to the se...
@davee, thank you for a fabulous and informative reply. For what it's worth I'll try to answer the questions in the text, but I'm not expecting you to...
@zander, thank you for not responding "simply follow the instructions!". Which I would have done if I had the right component. it does matter to me...
Again sorry, the previous correction and apology didn't appear before I posted mine.
@robotbuilder Sorry, but Ohm's Law says V=-IR, so I= V/R. In other words Current is Voltage divided by Resistance. Fritigern
@dronebot-workshop, It took me weeks to solder and troubleshoot and get it working. I used the FTDi and a breadboard to program it, setting the FTDI o...
Continues- Confusing dialogue re hard reset is a message that the Arduino IDE sends to a lot of people who use it to program an ESP32 or 8266. It re...
Thanks answers to questions- 1All USB devices have a PID and a VID, A product serial number and a vendor identifier. Each device is unique and ena...
@Ron, I am sorry to bring up an ESP 8266, it was an example of why I do not get hung up on when an ESP board fails to identify its PID and VID to th...