Last seen: 2024-12-29 3:24 am
@will Ever heard of a McBee computer ? The university where I got an MSc had one in 1959 as I remember it. A few of us post grads snared a profes...
Seems I excited a bit of interest here. Will: I'm from an old generation before the invention of OOP. Perhaps there is something to it for industri...
@ronalex4203 A schematic diagram is made to show what is connected to what and no attempt is made to show component location nor wire routing. It ...
A LED is, in fact a semiconductor diode; you could use it as diode as long as you stayed below the reverse breakdown voltage which is quite low so the...
There's a simple graphic method for selecting the series resistor for a led. Check out the attached example
Thanks for the insight. I have no intention to use it for morse code, just trying to learn by doing
@ruplicator Yes I got it to work transmitting one's and zero's but there is one problem: transmitting a one works ok but on transmitting a zero the ...
@davidmcsweeney Re batteries. Take a look at for information on batteries. The various battery chemistry technologies need different algorithms ...
Another thought 4/ re plastic. I've found that plastics are sensitive to sunlight in spite of the "last forever" mythology. The transparent acr...
You've already made a good start with the system engineering you've done so I will only offer some comments: 1/ re batteries. I would use two batte...
@tperry724 If it's not broke don't fix it. Another thing to keep in mind in is to put in a timer so once the motor starts or stops it won't stop o...
I don't see much fundamentally wrong with the code although there is some overkill. Why are you using a DHT11 just to measure temperature when a simp...