Last seen: 2024-01-08 3:38 am
@john40131 Hi John, I've moved away from the sketch by Eric. I'm using an Arduino Mega and a sketch called MultiServosV4-2-2. I modified it to dri...
@zeferby It appears that you are correct. Even my sketch worked correctly after I separated servos 4 and 5. But I'm stil having issues with the PCA9...
@zeferby Ah, I see. Ok I'll modify and try again tomorrow (it's 11pm here) and let you know. I hope you're right. I'd really like to get this solve...
@zeferby Yes, I used a Y connector to join 2 servos together, both driven by pin 4 on the PCA9685. Not a good idea? Ok, that might explain why 4 and...
@john40131 Sorry, posted it incorrectly. #include <Wire.h> #include <Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h> Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm = Adafruit...
@john40131 John here's the sketch that I was planning on using with a PCA9685. This was written by Eric (@zeferby). <pre><font color="#5e6d0...
@john40131 That's impressive John, but more than my very limited capabilities. It looks like electronics is a hobby for you. For me, not so.
@zeferby The Arduino is powered by either the USB or a separate power supply. I've tried 12v and 5v. The PCA9685 is powered by it's own 5v supply. T...
@zeferby GND is definitely shared but the connection may be suss as I said in my previous post.
@zeferby That's a thought but do you mean 1 relay for all servos or 1 relay per servo? The flexible piano wire allows the user to not have to position...
@john40131 You're a brave man, John. ?
@john40131 Thanks John, I'm doing something very similar. I'm using SG90 and a PCA9685. And I have many thanks to @zeferby who has helped me also. T...
@codecage These are not supposed to be able to turn full circle, only 0 to 180. But I don't think they got the message.
@zeferby Yes, I agree. You connect the horn to the turnout through the baseboard with a piece of piano wire or something similar. Must be flexible e...
@zeferby Sorry mate, looks like I've wasted my time and I've certainly wasted yours. I'm at the point of giving up with Arduinos and servos to contro...