Last seen: 2021-02-22 1:46 am
@yurkshirelad No, I decided I don't really need one yet, I'm still doing very simple stuff. If I do get one I'll buy a new one.
You hook each colour's pin up to a different output and cycle through colours like this (I haven't tested it, I just wrote it off the top of my head):...
Thanks again, I'll make that fix.
Thanks again!
@auto-ai-robotics Thanks, but I can't seem to find a Canadian distributer. Amazon has other UNI-T models, but I'm reluctant to use Amazon these days.
Thanks so much, I'll try that!
Thanks for the reply! The 8266 is supposed to have a built-in voltage regulator at Vin that can handle up to 20V or something. But I wonder about th...
Thanks, that looks like my best option so far.
@ve1dx That's very helpful, thanks! Michael