Last seen: 2023-08-20 11:25 pm
To elaborate on the above, MAYBE w = w + 1 gets optimized to the same thing as w++ and maybe it does not. It can depend on the quirks of the optimize...
You know, when I first saw the above response, I wanted to really let loose. Instead, I have spent a couple days contemplating an appropriate respons...
I am struggling with an application that I have in mind for the Hall effect sensor. What I want to do is build a simple detector that has a binary ou...
@robo-pi I should have warned you about the length. See if you can ping the IP addresses of the Windows boxes.
@robo-pi Have you tried entering: netstat -a from the command line of either of the Linux boxes? That will show you everything that the box is aware ...
@robo-pi What steps have you taken on the Linux side to determine what they can see? Is there a firewall or a VPN anywhere in your local network?
Try adding a debouncing capacitor to the pushbutton circuit. See for an explanation. I do not think that your debounce function is fail-safe. Also...