Last seen: 2024-07-12 9:04 am
@zander That makes sense. I was strongly advised to use them rather than mechanical switches on the CNC forum I use. I had actually bought the switch ...
@zander I think they work with a coil inside. When a ferrous object passes near it triggers the gate of its transistor. Hence why you can buy NPN or P...
@zander No magnet, it detects anything ferrous. I actually use a steel washer mounted on a nylon threaded rod on one axis and a dome head nut on anoth...
@zander these things. They have 3 wires
@zander I tried a couple of other switches and they all bounced on this experiment. I don't actually use mechanical switches on my home made CNC mil...
@davee, @zander, @will, @byron Hi everyone, Thanks Dave for a very clear explanation. I tried the 0.47 microfarad capacitor and various other valu...
Hi Dave @davee, @zander and @will Dave I only had some Pico Farad ceramic capacitors lying around. I wired some across the switch and the reverse in...
@zander Hi Ron, I built a CNC gantry style mill/router machine. I use software limits as the primary and hardwired limit switches beyond the permitt...
@zander Hi Ron, I think the problem is with the switch I am using. I believe the little pushbutton microswitches used in the tutorial hookup are les...
@will Thanks Will