Last seen: 2020-06-25 5:43 am
@damaru You're welcome!
@damaru Here is an link:
FYI, the UNI-T M830BUZ is an excellent low-cost alternative. I have been using it for at least 5 years with no problems.
@pugwash Good point, I didn't think of that.
Not my video, but I think it was the same sketch that I am using.
@etinkerer Playing the anthem of the USSR when someone enters a room. ? Won't be able to do a video though. ?
It's for a prank so I only want the Arduino to run once when the Reset pin is "de-grounded" Thanks everybody
@pugwash I was thinking 10-20 minutes for a trip-wire activated project. Thanks
Thanks, I'll be looking forward to it.
Thanks for the Nano comparision link. Are you going to do a video exclusively about the RPi 4 once you get yours?