Last seen: 2022-12-03 10:08 pm
Update: After googling for a particular error and then using google translate to translate one of Chinese pages of the forum that had an error ...
@thrandell @robotbuilder It looks like a lot of things that have already been invented are already available out of the box as ROS packages. I bought ...
@robotbuilder I noticed that after hi kinda finished the robot's physical design and build, it all came to a halt, disappeared. The same happened with...
@robotbuilder Actually, this robot in terms of base and the raising platform is almost exactly what I'm building! And he's using the same Intel RealSe...
@zander or do you think there might be a better way of programmatically measuring higher motor voltages to control the system than INA219?
A question about INA219. Out of the box it's limited to 3A but as I'm building a variation of DB1 robot, I wanna measure current and voltage on the 12...
@robotbuilder Just discovered the channel and watched da few relevant videos - very useful! The force controlled robotic grabber and arm are the be...
@robotbuilder Here you're approaching a very interesting topic and that's what being ignored by a lot of robot builders - the actuator (grabber)....
@robotbuilder love this video! It's old but the concepts are still very relevant!