Hi, this is my first post. I'm unable to find an answer to my questions.
I'm building a robot base which uses 2x L298n to run 4 DC Gearmotors 12V, connecting to a Arduino Mega. I have encoutered a repeating problem with the driver. Everything is connected and running. I have used a power supply to test it (up to 31 V and 10 A) the problem i'm having is that no matter how high of voltage i'm using i can't send a command with lower PWM (0-255 enA, enB) signal than 130 to run the motors.
Example: With the power supply and 255 pwm i can run both of the motors with 3 V, but with the 16 V i'm unable to lower the speed below 130 pwm, which basiclly means that my speeds are fast - very fast which makes no difference to me, i want to have lower speeds as well.
For the code I'm using the completely basic one with pin Modes, digital Write to HIGH/LOW and analogWrite to set the speed. I don't know much about PWM or L298n and the videos i have watch don't really talk about it, I have L298n from two different suppliers and the same thing happens with both.
If i were to guess I would say that the problem lies in communication between my MEGA and L298n, maybe the PWM frequency. Should I try with the PWM frequency arduino library or does that have nothing to do with my problem?
Dino Keran
Hi Dino
First of all welcome to the forum!
Is it possible that the pin you are using on your Arduino is not one of the PWM-enabled ones? I'm asking because your problem sounds like what would happen if you did an analogwrite to a non-PWM pin.
Of the 54 digital I/O pins on the Arduino Mega only 15 of them are capable of PWM.
And at the risk of sounding blatantly self-promotional I did a video and article about using the L298N with an Arduino, perhaps it will help you.
Hope some of this helps, again welcome to the forum!
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