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Arduino Power Bus

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Photo Bud
Joined: 6 years ago
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So, I'm installing a power bus on my model RR (no data transfer) for Arduino, et. al. and would like to mix both Uno and Nano building lighting and other functions. Uno will accept 3-12 volts (and regulate) while the Nano accepts 6-20 volts (and regulate). Also want to use Trinket which is 3-6 volts. (voltages corrected with an edit to this post)

My question is, can I run a 6 volt bus to power all types of devices, or should I run two separate ones. One 6 volt for the Trinket and a 9 volt for Unos and Nanos? What are the drawbacks to using only one?

btw - I've also posted this question on my go-to model RR site, Model Railroad Hobbyist magazine.

Photo Bud (aka John)
The Old Curmudgeon!

Joined: 4 years ago
Posts: 17

I would think that 6v might be too low for the Uno. It outputs a 5v regulated and 6v may not be enough to get a solid 5v out. 


Photo Bud reacted
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The comment by @gregw66 is correct, the Uno requires at least 7.5 volts to allow its internal linear regulator to function correctly.  Your idea of separate supplies is the way I would go with this design.



"Never trust a computer you can’t throw out a window." — Steve Wozniak

Photo Bud reacted
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Aren't the power busses for model railroads mostly 12VDC?  Why bother with any other bus voltages than that one.  Just use a DC to DC buck converter where you need to power a Trinket device and step down from 12V to 6V.  Or am I missing something?


Photo Bud
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Thank you all! As I have a 9 volt power supply now, I will go with that and use no Trinkets for now. If the Trinket seems to be a proper choice (form factor), will add a buck converter (they are cheap after all).

Eventually, depending on performance (or problems), may go to 12 volt supply and possible second bus as the layout involved is really two modules.

Photo Bud (aka John)
The Old Curmudgeon!

Photo Bud
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Changed out a Trinket for a Nano, uploaded Trinket designed code to Nano with no problems, got the bus installed running at 9v, and temporarily installed my NP Freight Depot with sequencing lights. Note that sequencing is much faster than will be used on layout, as this is a test of concept.

Here is how the hookup looks.

NP Depot Hooked Up


In place.

On Layout with Lights On


And a short video of it in action.

Very Short Video of Light Sequencing

Photo Bud (aka John)
The Old Curmudgeon!
