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Joined: 6 months ago
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Hi, I am a new member to the forum, but an "old guy" who has been in electronics for most of my life. I remember checking out Christmas Tree Lights with my Dad when I was 5 years old. These were Series Connected lamps, so if one was out the whole string was out! Anyway, I grew up learning about electricity and electronics all my life. I have been a CB operator, Amateur Radio operator, and have held a First Class FCC Radiotelephone License. I went to Technical School and was working at Motorola when the Draft Board decided I needed to 'join' the Army. I spent 3 years in the Signal Corp, then went in Television Broadcasting. I am a Life Member of the Society of Broadcast Engineers and a Life Certified (by SBE) as a Professional Broadcast Engineer (this means more these days than the FCC "General" class license). 😎 The one thing I learned was that you NEVER STOP LEARNING. So I am hoping to learn about Arduino, Raspberry Pi, etc here! Thanks for letting me join!  😀 
