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Let me start by letting you all know a bit about myself.

I am 78 and am a retired Architect resident in Adelaide, South Australia.

I am a "maker". I've always worked with my hands, and now that the arthritis is starting to set in, I am looking more are more to the computer and modeling tools to make the things that I want to make.

My modeling software of choice is Autodesk Invertor. I have donne a little work with Autodesk Fusion (mostly early atempts at PSC design).

My first 3D Printer was a BCN3D Sigma (sadly now "gone to God"). I now own a Bambu Labs X1 Carbon with AMS. 

Generally I make what I can't find. I don't set myself limits (it can always be done someway), however this frequently get me in over my head.

I'm hoping that this forum will teach me to swim a little better.

Joined: 4 weeks ago
Posts: 6

Very good SB. I'm 68 and retired myself so I know the difficulties of not going to work. People think it's easy to retire but you about go nuts figuring out what to do with yourself, and keeping the mind at work makes a big difference in your overall well being. 

I used to use AutoCad, typically LTE version. I used it to do the mechanical outline and dimensions for printed circuit boards I designed and I used PADS software for PCB design. A medical career change took me away from electronics for 25 years. Now I'm trying to get caught up here learning the Arduino programmable controller. I have many ideas on projects.


Welcome to the Forum!
