Hello Forum Members,
My name is Don, (DJINTROY) I am new here, but a lifelong tinkerer and maker. I am really glad to have found this site, the videos and forum! Bill does a GREAT job with the instructional videos! I am hoping to be able to learn from the forum members and hopefully be able to contribute to the forum soon.
Home is Southeast Michigan, as username suggests. Retired, with more time than $$, really interested in all kind of DIY projects. My equipment includes a 3D printer; Laser Engravers, (cheap Chinese CO2 and 2W Diode), cheap small bench top CNC (that I have yet to get to do anything, other than flatten the CNC bed), a sparce electronics area with minimal equipment and pieces of various woodworking equipment. More than anything I seem to produce sawdust and smoke in my makerspace. I am mostly gathering supplies so that I can continue my projects. I have some, but minimal experience with: Adruino, Raspberry Pi (2,3,4), Raspberry Pi PICO and ESP32 and hope to use these in my projects.
The current electronics projects being worked on/planned, are:
DIY radio controlled fixed wing aircraft. Foamboard and DIY flight controller (based on the (GitHub plainFlightController project). I hope to be able to develop a standard flight controller package (esp32, motion sensor and ELRS radio receiver, servo and power connections) that I can move from one foamboard aircraft to another.
Robot Car based on DroneWorkshop Robot car video using the ESP32 Cam board , diy chassis and controlled via app, and perhaps also controlled using a Wii game controller.
Robot vehicles which make noise, flash lights and vibrate, and controlled using a Wii game controller. This is in an effort to amuse, entertain and exercise the furry Feline family members.
Who knows what after that…..
Hello huckOhio,
We visit RO often, very trendy downtown, with many good restaurants.
Thank you for the welcome!
LOL. It wasn't when I left in 1976. Downtown was mainly stores and the Washington and Main theaters still showed movies. Only the Royal Oak theater was moving over to music. Great place to grow up in the 60's & 70's.