Should one use a data converter for the nano? Thanks for any advice👍😀
What's a data converter ?
Its a module you can put between a 3 volt divide and a 5 volt device such as the tf mini and a uno to keep from smoking the 3 volt device and it let's the data move both ways on i2 c without pulling the 3 volt device up to 5 volts ..
@duce-robot is that what your are referring to when you say data converter? I use the term level converter, but we might be meaning the same thing.
I think the data converter terminology usually means digital to analog converters ADC or DAC. Like codecage I think you describe level converters, but maybe ‘data converters’ could also include any signal change, maybe.
Yep the bi directional data converter I was wondering if I should use this for the nano since it is the same pin outs as the pi I thought I might need one for multiple servos or if I could run the pca servo module without it . I think the SDA and scl connections are the only pin outs I need from the nano aside from + - but its still a long road yet . trying to keep from buying any more single board computers for a while .lol👍😁
If the nano is like the rpi with unprotected 3.3 logic level pins then be careful, Ive destroyed a pi in the past by accidentally feeding in 5v 😉
that is what i was thinking. no need to burn it up .
Logic level shifters are your friend 🙂
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