What a mess. Jumper wires everywhere. All in one (well two) places now. ADHD meds let me be the organized person I always wanted to be deep down!!! More work to do still.
@triform Have you had problems with jumper wires that are so poorly made they tend to bend or break off after just a couple of uses? Some where I seem to have gotten a batch of those. Do you have a reliable source for your jumers?
Pat Wicker (Portland, OR, USA)
I have. Some the pins break, others that will not stay in the dupont connector and others with bad wires.
They can be a pain sometimes. I have started to solder the pins on and use heat shrink and good ribbon cable.
I did get a crimper and have been trying to use it, but soldering is just as fast 🙂
I bought a kit for those ends along with the crimper and the inserter and the remover thingy
Honestly, crimping wires that small never worked for me
I soldered them
I had been getting the pins for a while now to solder with and then decided to get a crimper. It only took a few wasted pins to get the hang of it, but it is a slow process and I have been soldering since I was a teen so that is faster for me as well. I have fat euro-stubby fingers that do not have a lot of dexterity. That makes the fiddly part of crimping hard and painful for me 🙂
I'm new to the game, and the male DuPont pins drive me NUTS! I've received jumper wires from an Arduino starter kit and from a breadboard kit, and the quality of the metal used on the pins is far too brittle.
I, too, became accomplished (for lack of a better word) in crimping pin onto the wires, but these days, I just use 20 AWG solid wires for my male/male jumper wires.
I also use a silverware assortment tray sitting in the top draw of my workbench to keep things organized just below the messy level.
@itscaseydambit I had not though of the 20 AGW solid gauge wire, duh. Thanks for the suggestion.
Pat Wicker (Portland, OR, USA)
I use the solid wire sometimes for the odd connection.
I reluctantly bought these https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07BWC596B/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o04_s01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 but now do not regret the purchase! The wire is very nice.
I love the flatware trays as a jumper holder! I need to get some or just print one out. As for the metal on the dupont pins, I do agree with you. I have found the ones that are made more for BB's (the male-male rounded ends) are very durable. But again are only male to male.
@triform Have you had problems with jumper wires that are so poorly made they tend to bend or break off after just a couple of uses? Some where I seem to have gotten a batch of those. Do you have a reliable source for your jumers?
Likewise, all the time for me... pisses me off to no end!
the ones I find problematic are the version with the round molded plastic ends, the pins are too thin and wont stay in the "real" Dupont wires ( square molded ones), the "round" ones also have an issue with breaking off at the end of the plastic or just simply pull out completely from the molded portion. To solve the "wont stay in" issue, I put a small "Z" bend in the pin to make it behave as if its spring loaded. The "Z" bend works wonderfully when using the round version with the square Duponts... sure beats using the telephone wire from back in the 60s and 70s... well even up to the 2010s, I just discovered the Duponts about 9 months ago.
Its just the prices of the duponts are a tad bit high... free telephone wire had its benefits... 🙂
Dealing with the same problem:
I just recently started the whole experimenting and I'm gathering building blocks and parts as we speak, there is indeed a lot of QL difference in all them wires. As a test i've now ordered several small batches from different suppliers and different brands to see which ones serve their purpose best. So far the original dupont ones (the good stuff) is higher, but with a bit of searching, those can be found cheaper too 😉