Today I looked over my collection of ESP CAM boards. I have a total of five but the covers on the ESP32s seem to indicate two different markings so I think in one respect I have two styles. I also looked at my ESP32 CAM MB programming boards. I have five, four are one style with the Boot and EN (reset) buttons. The other does not have a Boot button but does have a reset button. As you mention, the one without the Boot button's chip is different in physical size and placement. The good news I can get all five of the boards programmed by using the programming boards with the Boot and Reset buttons. However it doesn't seem that I need to use the buttons since they program anyway. The odd programming board will not program any of the ESP CAMs. It can act as a power supply for an ESP CAM once it has been programmed with one of the other programmers. Its reset button doesn't seem to reset the board it is attached to but pushing the onboard reset button on the ESP CAM does force a reset. All in all very confusing. So once again, it appears I don't need to perform the hold the Boot Button, perform a reset and release the Boot Button since it seems to work with or without that procedure.
@zander Concerning Chicago, I was there some 65 years ago when the local High School Band won a trip to play at Soldiers Field. Quite an experience for a timid farm boy. No I never attended the PlayBoy club anywhere although I may have checked out the magazine on occasion. A local gal was the centerfold some years ago. This created quite a stir among us farm folks.