This is silly, naive question from a hardware beginner, but I'll ask anyway! Someone has to, right? 😀
If I see something, like a Humidity and Temperature Sensor Breakout, that is advertised for a Raspberry PI4, it can be used with any microcontroller (e.g. Uno R3)? You just need its documentation, hook it up and go?
Yes, you are correct, it will work fine.
And fire away on the questions! When we were born we didn't know the answer to any of them. Don't you remember asking "Why?" a good many times as a child? Or your own children and grandchildren if you have them asking you Why? Why? Why?
Thanks. I still ask those questions multiple times now with my teenage kid! Why did you...? What...? Huh? 😆
I guess I could say "Been there, done that, and didn't even get the T-shirt!"