I am attempting to set up 2 x Arduino Nano’s for remote controlled 12vdc spotlight use.
2 x Arduino nano
2 x nRF24L01 wireless modules
1 x L298N Dual H Bridge module
1 x Joy Stick (same as project type)
1 x 12vdc 40RPM reversible motor (rotator)
1 x 12vdc 2rpm reversible motor (up/down)
2 x sets 2:1 ratio gear (20:40)
1 x 40amp 12v 5pole relay
Power : 12 volt dc – standard motor vehicle current.
Relevant Buck up/down to suit module power requirements and to smooth out flow.
The idea for this came from the DroneBot Workshop YouTube video “Wireless Joystick for Arduino Robot car with nRF24L01”.
I would like to use the SW (Switch) on the joy stick to remote activate the spotlight. This requires 2 x digital pins:
( As per Paul McWhorters Tutorials 27 & 28)- I adapted his tutes and have the Joy Stick switch operating.
int LEDState=0;
int LEDPin =8;
int buttonPin=12;
int buttonNew;
int buttonOld=1;
int dt=100;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
pinMode (LEDPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode (buttonPin, INPUT);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
if(buttonOld==0 && buttonNew==1){
digitalWrite(LEDPin, LOW);
The DroneBot video etc is based on the Uno not the Nano.
On the client end of the wireless transmission I have
1 x Nano – with effectively 12 digital pins.
1 x nRF24L01 takes up 5 pins
1 x L298N takes up 6 pins.
I have 1 x Digital pin left{
Pin Nr nano |
Nrf24 |
L298N |
JS Signal |
1 |
2 |
Reset |
5 |
SW? |
6~ |
IN4 |
7 |
IN3 |
8~ |
9~ |
10 |
IN2 |
11 |
IN1 |
12~ |
4 - CSN |
13~ |
3 - CE |
14~ |
6 - MOSI |
15 |
7 - MISO |
16 |
5 - SCK |
A0 |
A1 |
Question 1.
On the client side will the nano require 2 pins as this will be an output to the relay.
If 2 pins required then:-
Question 2.
Can I use Pins 1 or 2? - I have attempted to use them with no effect
Can I use a Analog pin? I have attempted to use them with no effect.
Any help on these questions would be appreciated.