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Synchronizing two Arduino's, running the same program

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Dear Bill,

Is it possible to make a video where two Arduino's run the same program and are synced to each other.

Because I have two arduino’s connected with a CNC shield so I can control 4 stepper motors per arduino, but i want to control the second Arduino with the same code, so i can drive in totaal 8 steppers synchronously.

I have looked at your video with the I2C connection, but i don't think that is an option.

Otherwise I have to take an Arduino Mega, but then I have to control the stepper motors by separate drivers that I have to connect, that’s a lot off wires.

Hope to hear from you.

Greetings Marc.

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It would be very difficult for Bill to make a video for a particular solution that each of us might encounter.  That particular issue may only be an issue for that person and no one else.  Bill's time is better spent producing videos that provide instruction and insight to many individuals.

A better way to approach this issue on the forum is to give everyone on the forum a good idea of what you are trying to accomplish, any issues you have run into, and then asking if anyone has had any experience with anything similar.  Or if anyone has any pointers that you might try, even if it is a different approach to solving the issue.

And by the way, welcome aboard the forum.  I think you will find lots of folks willing to help, and it is our collective minds that help each other out and take quite a load off of Bill's shoulders


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Posted by: @codecage

It would be very difficult for Bill to make a video for a particular solution that each of us might encounter.  That particular issue may only be an issue for that person and no one else.  Bill's time is better spent producing videos that provide instruction and insight to many individuals.

Thank you Steve!



Actually I'm not entirely sure what you want to do here. If you want to drive a second set of 4 stepper motors exactly the same as the original set you could just add the additional stepper drivers (i.e. A4988 or whatever) in parallel.

But I suspect you want to control the extra four motors without moving up to the Mega. 

If you are the adventurous sort you can try and get your hands on an AMIS-30624, which is a micro-stepper driver that works on I2C. As these have a selectable address you can control up to 32 stepper motors on one  I2C bus. Unfortunately, they only source 800ma, so you'd probably need to beef them up with external MOSFETS. So much for cutting down on the number of wires!

But as for a video on this specific subject, I don't think it would benefit many people.  But as I admit I don't fully understand the request please feel free to elaborate.




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